Advertiser API
All BuySellAds endpoints can be found at Below is a list of our current endpoints available for your use.
This endpoint returns details for all active line items in the current month.
These parameters should be in the query string.
Name | Type | Description |
startDate | string | Optional. yyyy-mm-dd format. Example value is 2024-01-16 |
endDate | string | Optional. yyyy-mm-dd format. Example value is 2024-01-30 |
type | string | Optional. Creates a CVS output. The value is csv |
Sample Response Body
"lineitem_id": "9801",
"lineitem_name": "2019 Oct 1 - 31 Dribbble Shot",
"order_id": "7283",
"order_name": "Acme / October 2019",
"placements": "Dribbble Shot Detail - Image + Text (260x200)",
"paused": false,
"goal_unit": "impressions",
"goal_quantity": 1876000,
"unit_cost": "$2.50",
"budget": "$4,690.00",
"scheduled_start": "Oct 1st, 2019",
"scheduled_end": "Oct 31st, 2019"
"lineitem_id": "9802",
"lineitem_name": "2019 Oct 1 - 31 Dribbble Shot_EU",
"order_id": "7283",
"order_name": "Acme / October 2019",
"placements": "Dribbble Shot Detail - Image + Text (260x200)",
"paused": false,
"goal_unit": "impressions",
"goal_quantity": 924000,
"unit_cost": "$2.50",
"budget": "$2,310.00",
"scheduled_start": "Oct 1st, 2019",
"scheduled_end": "Oct 31st, 2019"
CSV Example
/lineitems?key=api_test&startDate=2020-09-01&endDate=2020-09-30&type=csv"Lineitem ID","Lineitem Name","Order ID","Order Name","Placements","Paused","Goal Unit","Goal Quantity","Unit Cost","Ratified","Budget","Scheduled Start","Scheduled End"
"9801","2019 Oct 1 - 31 Dribbble Shot","7283","Acme / October 2019","Dribbble Shot Detail - Image + Text (260x200)","false","impressions","1876000","$2.50","undefined","$4,690.00","Oct 1st, 2019","Oct 31st, 2019"
"9802","2019 Oct 1 - 31 Dribbble Shot_EU","7283","Acme / October 2019","Dribbble Shot Detail - Image + Text (260x200)","false","impressions","924000","$2.50","undefined","$2,310.00","Oct 1st,2019","Oct 31st, 2019"
"9803","2019 Oct 1 - 31 Unsplash Homepage","7283","Acme / October 2019"," - homepage header","false","impressions","1250000","$4.00","undefined","$5,000.00","Oct 1st, 2019","Oct 31st, 2019"
This endpoint returns stats by day for all active line items in the current month.
These parameters should be in the query string.
Name | Type | Description |
lineitemId | int | Optional. Filters for a specific line item. Line item ID’s can be found in the line item endpoint or within the app. Example value 11192 . |
startDate | string | Optional. yyyy-mm-dd format. Example value is 2024-01-16 |
endDate | string | Optional. yyyy-mm-dd format. Example value is 2024-01-30 |
type | string | Optional. Creates a CVS output. The value is csv |
Sample Response Body
"lineitem_id": "10507",
"lineitem_name": "2019 Dec 1 - 31 Carbon: Stack Overflow",
"order_id": "7573",
"placements": "Carbon - StackOverflow Dev",
"date": "2019-12-03",
"impressions": 59925,
"clicks": 67,
"ctr": "0.11%",
"spend": "$149.81"
"lineitem_id": "10788",
"lineitem_name": "2019 Nov 1 - 30 Carbon: Stack Overflow US",
"order_id": "7573",
"placements": "Carbon - StackOverflow Dev",
"date": "2019-12-03",
"impressions": 57783,
"clicks": 74,
"ctr": "0.13%",
"spend": "$144.45"
This endpoint returns creative stats for all line items in the current month.
These parameters should be in the query string.
Name | Type | Description |
lineitemId | int | Optional. Filters for a specific line item. Line item ID’s can be found in the line item endpoint or within the app. Example value 11192 . |
startDate | string | Optional. yyyy-mm-dd format. Example value is 2024-01-16 |
endDate | string | Optional. yyyy-mm-dd format. Example value is 2024-01-30 |
type | string | Optional. Creates a CVS output. The value is csv |
Sample Response Body
"lineitem_name": "2020 Jun 01-30 Dev Circle_v2",
"creative_id": 36111,
"small_image": "",
"description": "Description shows up here",
"link": "",
"tracking_pixel": "",
"weight": 1,
"impressions": 174186,
"clicks": 132,
"ctr": "0.08%",
"spend": "$541.18"
"lineitem_name": "2020 Jun 01-30 Stack Overflow: Dev Circle_v2",
"creative_id": 36112,
"small_image": "",
"description": "Description shows up here",
"link": "",
"tracking_pixel": "",
"weight": 1,
"impressions": 173602,
"clicks": 151,
"ctr": "0.09%",
"spend": "$538.48"
This endpoint returns creative stats by day for all line items in the current month.
These parameters should be in the query string.
Name | Type | Description |
lineitemId | int | Optional. Filters for a specific line item. Line item ID’s can be found in the line item endpoint or within the app. Example value 11192 . |
startDate | string | Optional. yyyy-mm-dd format. Example value is 2024-01-16 |
endDate | string | Optional. yyyy-mm-dd format. Example value is 2024-01-30 |
type | string | Optional. Creates a CVS output. The value is csv |
Sample Response Body
"lineitem_name": "2020 Jun 01-30 Carbon Ads: Design Circle",
"creative_id": 34949,
"date": "2020-06-10",
"small_image": "",
"description": "Description shows up here",
"link": "",
"tracking_pixel": "",
"weight": 1,
"impressions": 20164,
"clicks": 67,
"ctr": "0.33%",
"spend": "$68.55"
"lineitem_name": "2020 Jun 01-30 Carbon Ads: Design Circle",
"creative_id": 34949,
"date": "2020-06-11",
"small_image": "",
"description": "Description shows up here",
"link": "",
"tracking_pixel": "",
"weight": 1,
"impressions": 19393,
"clicks": 70,
"ctr": "0.36%",
"spend": "$65.93"